Applied Support offer SEO for local businesses. This tends to run in conjunction with our WP website maintenance package
Keeping up with SEO isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, and if you run a small business you’re probably wearing enough hats as it is, so why not let us take care of it for you?
And if you haven’t got round to even setting it up yet – maybe because you don’t know where to start – then ask us to set it up for you
Whilst SEO isn’t rocket science (if it was we’d be stuffed) it can be time consuming…
And as we mentioned, you’ve got enough on your plate.
We can set it up (if you haven’t got round to it yet) and then make sure your site and socials get seen by the right people eg your ideal prospects and existing clients
We don’t take the mick with our rolling fees either
SEO set-up £250.00 one-off
SEO rolling maintenance £97 monthly
If you want to combine SEO with our WordPress website maintenance package then check out those prices here and simply add them together…we think this makes it easier for you and us to work out and you know exactly what you’re getting for your money.
You will – assuming your website & socials copy-content is geared toward generating leads and you a proven system for converting those leads – find that your sales vastly eclipse your investment in ongoing WordPress website maintenance & SEO maintenance
If you’re ready to get started, either call/whatsapp 07497 002 698 or email andrew@appliedsupport.co.uk