I’m still here, just been busy…

So I’ve spent the last few weeks getting my client’s new website ready for launch…

They finally decided to incorporate online sales into their business, meaning online ordering and payment

Which meant setting up Woo-commerce, adding all the products and evaluating different payment processors and which one would work best for them

(That part of the exercise alone was over a week)

Then it was on to creating specific product links and adding product photos, descriptions and those links to Google, Instagram & Pinterest

I’m still debating whether to start a blog for them too…

Anyway, because I’ve been miles deep into this project I’ve not been documenting my own study progress

You know what I’m going to say don’t you?

I haven’t had time because of said client project

It’s a reasonable excuse, the client is paying me, I don’t get paid for studying. But I know that my study will pay off in the medium term, if not before.

Anyway, that’s it from me for now.

Here’s a link to my client’s site, let me know what you think…https://ksbpools.co.uk

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